Hydrogen What You Need To Know
Hydrogen may just have some of the biggest implications for your wellness and performance. Find out why.
What is hydrogen?
Hydrogen is essential for life, and it is present in nearly all the molecules in living things. But pure hydrogen gas (H2) is scarce in Earth’s atmosphere, and any hydrogen that actually enters the atmosphere rapidly escapes Earth’s gravity. On our planet, hydrogen occurs mainly in combination with oxygen and water, as well as in organic matter such as living plants.
Hydrogen gas is naturally occurring and consists of two hydrogen atoms… the smallest thing in the universe. Because it’s so tiny, when ingested, hydrogen can spread throughout every single one of your body’s cells and tissues. This is why hydrogen has been shown in well over 1,500 scientific studies to have potential benefits for just about every organ of the human body.
Hydrogen has been shown to protect the body from and powerfully reduce the damage of post-workout oxidative stress.

Hydrogen water, also called hydrogen-rich water, is simply normal water (H20) that contains dissolved hydrogen gas. You can think of it like carbonated water, but instead of CO2 gas bubbles, it contains tiny H2 “nano bubbles”. These bubbles aren’t noticeable on your tongue, but they provide remarkable functional benefits. Hydrogen water is the easiest way to get these H2 nano bubbles into the body, which provide the scientifically-supported benefits. And according to the latest peer-reviewed studies, more hydrogen does seem to equal more benefits. There is no way to get too much hydrogen - you just exhale it out - and in preliminary studies it seems that there is a clear dose-dependent effect (i.e. more hydrogen = greater effects).

The key to health is to achieve balance in your cells, and hydrogen has a range of unique properties that may help contribute to balancing your body in the best possible ways.

Want to workout harder and perform better? Hydrogen has been clinically shown to help with intense exercise, and may even improve endurance by delaying muscular fatigue. Athletes around the world are quickly discovering the amazing effects of H2.

Feeling tired all the time? Relying too much on caffeine to get you going? Drinking ELEVATE may help naturally power you through your day with calm focused energy - without jitters or crashes.

What’s the “holy grail” of performance? Optimizing your recovery. In clinical studies performed on athletes, hydrogen was able to improve recovery time, and incredibly, it may do so without negating any of the benefits of intense exercise.

Everybody is dealing with brain fog, overstimulation, poor nutrition, and dehydration can all be culprits. Throughout the scientific literature, there is evidence that hydrogen may be able to contribute to a feeling of clear-headedness and alertness.

Having trouble getting restful deep sleep? It's important to stay well hydrated. Dehydration prior to sleep may result in nocturnal leg cramps, restlessness, disrupting sleep quality.